Transfer Student Success Workshops
The Transfer Success Workshops provide an engaging learning experience that empowers transfer students with valuable knowledge and tools to influence personal, academic, and professional growth in and out of life at Cal. Students will be introduced to various academic strategies and campus resources and opportunities for enhanced student development and holistic well-being. The workshops will also provide students with the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session after each segment to ask questions, express concerns, and build connections within the transfer community.

Wellness & Self Care
Taking care of ourselves can be challenging when juggling the multiple responsibilities of student life, but it is necessary to keep us feeling and doing our best. Workshop topics may include tips for virtual wellness and navigating the online learning environment, avoiding burnout, and nurturing our bodies and minds.

Professional Growth & Development
These workshops aim to enhance your preparation for life after Cal! Topics may include learning how to strengthen your resume and cover letters, getting tips on building your LinkedIn profile, and exploring different post-baccalaureate program options and opportunities.

Academic & Personal Success
Transitioning to a new institution is challenging and comes with adjusting to the academic rigor, navigating the campus culture and resources, and developing a sense of community and belonging. Workshop topics may include tools for building college-success habits, time management, personal goal-setting, and more!